Stichting Dasht Foundation has been granted the status of Public Benefit Organization (Dutch acronym: ‘ANBI’) by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration in May 2019. The Dutch abbreviation means Algemeen Nut Beogende Instellingen. This means you can deduct your donations to Dasht in the income tax return if you meet the conditions of the tax authorities. See for more information on the tax benefits on the site of the Tax and Customs Administration. 


Statutory name: Stichting Dasht Foundation
Brand name: Dasht
Chamber of Commerce registration number: 69928649
RSIN/Tax number: 858068205

Contact details

 Stichting Dasht Foundation
Musicalkade 25
3543 CM, Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)645645289


To eliminate environmental and social issues by inspiring local communities. To bring awareness to farmers on the dangers of conventional farming and on how to save the soil by sustainable farming practices and efficient use of water. To facilitate knowledge transfer in support of the organic movement. To draw down atmospheric carbon dioxide through the planting of trees while engaging local youth.

Policy plan

Our mission is to make farmers aware of the dangers of using large amounts of synthetic external inputs for the degradation of their land as well as for their own health. To train farmer groups on organic farming techniques and practices in order to reclaim the ecological status of the project area and achieve sustainability in food production. To monitor trained farmers to ensure compliance with the learnt organic farming techniques and practices. To plant trees in remote areas (initially in Greenland), in order to draw down atmospheric carbon dioxide and engage the local community, bringing awareness and education along with biodiversity in regions where most produce is shipped from afar.

Donations with a certain purpose are reserved in our Appropriation Fund and are only used for agreed purposes. All available capital is at free disposal of the Dasht Foundation on her bank account. The budget with planned expenditures for a certain year is approved by the Supervisory Board. The Managing Director gives account for the actual expenditures to the Supervisory Board at least quarterly.

Supervisory Board

Dasht’s managing director, Faezeh M. Nick, operates under supervision of a
Supervisory Board whose members receive no award but can be allocated an expense allowance. The Supervisory Board consists of:

  • Cornelia Neeltje Hilgeman – president of the board
  • Bamshad Houshyani Hassanzadeh – Secretary              
  • Michiel Helsen  – Treasurer

The Board is responsible for overseeing the general affairs of the Foundation and the supervision of the Executive Board’s Management and policies. The Board is in charge of the – periodically evaluated – remunerative policy of the Executive Board.

Remuneration policy staff

For the first year Dasht executive members will work as volunteers.
Eventually they will be assigned to get paid for their part-time / full-time
activities for Dasht. The salaries of Dasht employees will be in line with
market practice and follow the the basic salary guideline 2018 of Goede
Doelen Nederland. The remuneration is determined by the Supervisory

Annual report and actual activities

The latest news relating our activities will be available in annual reports. The annual report will contain information about performed activities and financial statements in that year.